In this article we will talk about : Candida causes, symptoms and treatment.
A fungus (yeast) generally, causes candidia’s infection in the mucous membranes and skin.
There are several forms of this disease for example:
- cutaneous candida, superficial, develop in the areas of perspiration (skin folds (buttock fold, armpits, groin), interdigital spaces);
- they can appear at the nails;
- candida of the mucous membranes, also superficial, can be located in the mouth (thrush), genital (common in women) or esophageal;
- generalized candida occurs in immunocompromised people (AIDS patients, etc.). They can be systemic (they are found in the blood, organs, etc.) and can be life threatening.
Candida causes
A fungus causes this disease in the mucous membranes and skin. This fungus belongs to the genus Candida. Candida albicans is the most frequent strain, but other species exist: Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis kruseï, Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida glabrata…
In a healthy individual, the existence of this disease microorganism is normal. In fact, it is present in the digestive tract, the mucous membranes of the mouth, the genital tract, etc. However, in certain circumstances (humidity, heat, local modifications, reduction of the immune defenses, etc.), it develops in significant quantities.
Also, taking antibiotics, corticosteroids can promote the amplification of this disease .
Other risk factors for this disease
Other factors can participate in its appearance such as:
- stress;
- diabetes;
- certain drugs;
- the pregnancy;
- poor hygiene;
- clothes that are too tight;
- perspiration…
This disease can recur in a subject.
Candida symptoms
This disease skin is manifested by:
- red well demarcated plaques, in size and shape variables;
- whitish deposits on the folds of the body (groin, breast, navel, armpit …);
- eventually, itching.
Symptoms of genital candida
The genital candida causes in women in this case:
- thick white discharge;
- itches;
- inflammation of the vulva and vagina.
Signs of this disease in humans
In humans, this disease causes for instance:
- inflammation of the glans;
- itches;
- discharge from the urinary canal.
The manifestations of thrush
The thrush is characterized by:
- dryness and redness of the oral mucosa;
- pains;
- whitish deposits.
A medical consultation is essential in order to set up an appropriate treatment, whatever the location of this disease .
Prevention councils
It is recommended to remove as much as possible the factors favoring a superficial candida to limit the risk of recurrence:
- to have a correct and regular hygiene;
- balance diabetes;
- wear loose clothing…
Prevention tips for recurrent candida
For recurrent genital candida:
- prefer intimate toiletries with alkaline pH to soap;
- favor the wearing of sanitary napkins during menstruation rather than periodic tampons;
- wipe and clean the private parts from front to back;
- systematically use a condom during sexual intercourse, if the infection is present, so as not to contaminate your partner.
Clinical examination is generally sufficient to diagnose this disease when it is superficial.
When suspicion of deep candida is suspected, different analyzes are carried out:
- sampling from the lesions for a mycological analysis;
- serological assessment…
It is essential to research the factors favoring this disease and, if possible, to eliminate them in order to obtain a lasting cure.
Candida treatment
The treatment of this disease is based on taking local antifungal drugs, for example:
- gynecological ova and a cream for vaginal candidiasis;
- mouthwash based on sodium bicarbonate and gel or antifungal solution to keep in the mouth as long as possible for oral candida.
In the case of genital candida, the sexual partner should also be treated if he shows signs of this disease.
For recurrent, extensive, deep or chronic candida, oral treatments are prescribed.
It is possible to use homeopathy in addition to background therapy.
Specialists can use homeopathy in addition to proper medical care.
It is possible to take, during an episode of this disease, 3 granules 3 times a day of:
- monilia albicans 9 CH;
- mercurius solubilis 9 CH;
- sepia officinalis 9 CH.
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